Write for us

Guidelines to Submit the Content

HELLO WRITERS! We are serving a platform to write informational content regarding technology or more. The more we prioritize ‘windows troubleshooting’ or we want tech software’s, management tools, business tools, software reviews, Android and iOS app, troubleshooting guides, and buying guides as well. You could choose our platform to serve your valuable thoughts or be a part of our productive journey. We give the right direction to your writing passion. So, don’t be worried, be more enthusiastic about your writing. Write productive about technology or share with us right now-

Guidelines must be-

  1. Mention the targeted keyword in Article and make sure the search volume is higher and keyword difficulty should be low.
  2. 2 images are mandatory. One is the cover image and one about Article. The size must be 1500*1000. Ensure that the image is not copyrighted.
  3. Content length should be a minimum of 1000 words.
  4. Content should be 100% unique, no plagiarism allowed.
  5. Proper use of headings and subheading in the Article
  6. The Article should have proper Meta tags like Meta title and Meta Description.
  7. Your Article should have a minimum of 2 internal links.
  8. You are allowed only for 1 External link (Do-follow).
  9. The Article must end up with a conclusion.
  10. Your Article must be related to our categories (Business, Digital Marketing, Design and Development, Windows, How-To, Android, iOS, Management Software, Technical Reviews, Software Alternatives, etc.)

Why write for marveldigitech.com?

  • If you begin to write for our website, we help your business have colossal exposure.
  • This will help build links with the targeted audience.
  • We are available on social media and also share your Article on social platforms.

How to submit your content?

Email your content to marveldigitech212@gmail.com or robert.jackson.sa18@gmail.com with the mentioned guidelines. Please include 2-3 keywords, only not more than. When it comes to draft the Article, make sure the file is DOCX and more than 1000 words. Your content will be publish after review in 2-3 days.